Facing The Music

Some nights are perfect for a little YouTube scanning. Last night I ended up watching several videos of The Voice. I watched all of the blind auditions. They are incredible. Several things about these auditions and songs stood out to me and helped me enjoy a part of myself that has been suppressed by work, obligations, and life in general.

First and foremost, I love music. If I could trade a leg for a singing voice, I would. I love listening to good artists. Probably not in the same way as musicians who can play ten different instruments. More for the poetry of it. Good lyrics. True lyrics. Heartfelt performance. I can listen to those things all day. I have to be careful driving to work in the morning and listening to good music because I will catch myself tearing up. If you are driving by and see me then just know, its allergies. Maybe I empathize too much. Eh, I’ve talked about this phenomenon before so we can move along.

As I thought about how the music connected, I noticed something unique about The Voice. All of the judges listen with their eyes closed and feel the song. Obviously, that is the premise of the show, to focus on the voice, but watching their emotion is pretty cool. Some singers come out with a note that gets everyone interested right away. Some singers tease the judges for a minute before belting out their talent. Either way, once the judges hit that button and the chair swings around there is always a celebration backstage. Spouses, children, and parents who are supporting the contestants are waiting for the judges to validate what they already know, the person on stage is awesome.

One contestant was of Asian descent but no doubt American born. Her father was watching backstage and when she was accepted by the judges he started jumping around and shouting in a heavy accent, “You show them you know, You show them you know!” He was so freaking proud. I imagine he immigrated as a young man and he was enjoying the success of his decision. For a moment it felt like all of the good things about America. I know it is cheesy but this is my party, deal with it.

The thing that really got me was a similar scenario of father and daughter. The father was auditioning while his wife and daughter were waiting backstage. An interesting twist was that the father had previously performed with Christina Aguilera (one of the judges) as a child on the Mickey Mouse Club. The producers were trying to drum up the story between the two of them and if he would be remembered or not. He did an amazing job singing and ended up joining Team Adam. Without mentioning his past history he thanked the judges and exited to backstage. His wife and daughter were glowing with excitement and they all collected in a group hug. At that moment he had won everything he needed. Through my welling tears (allergies), I saw another connection. I promise this is where the rabbit hole ends.

Early last week, at a leadership summit, I listened to a speaker who goes by the name of Coach Burt. He was a unique combination of human being. If he wasn’t a motivational speaker he could be a wrestler for the WWE. He talked mostly about building greatness in people and how to create character. As a former girls basketball coach he was able to share an insight that resonated with me. He said, “Parents drop off their kids for me to coach and they tell me, ‘She has a lot of potential’ or ‘She has a lot of talent’. They want me to teach them discipline to reach their potential.” He said that he would often turn the question around on the parents.

“So you want them to have discipline?”


“So they can reach their potential and achieve their dreams?”


“How are you teaching them at home? Do they see you living up to your potential?”


Truth bomb.

As I sit here and type this out, Prima is sitting next to me playing with her Littlest Pet Shop toys. She has crafted a computer out of notebook paper and her little character is saying, “I am writing a computer blog to make people happy and get more fans.” Wonder where she picked that up?

I guess Coach Burt is right. Kids are always watching.

The father auditioning on The Voice was showing his potential. The father who changes countries to raise his family is showing potential. The child who make the parents proud is also teaching them that dreams are possible. Inspiration goes both ways.

If you are living each day as an example for you children, this post is for you. You’re welcome. I’m not sure that I am. Some days sure… but not most. Whenever I feel discouraged I remember for who I really do things. It isn’t for me. One of my favorite lines is from The Eli Young Band, “Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart.”

-Underdaddy to the rescue.


  1. Wow, they still have the Littlest Pet Shop toys? My girls used to play with those! It’s adorable that Prima came up with the blog idea. My girls used to make the animals run around and try to eat each another, pretending the biggest one was Mom. No dysfunction in our family, none whatsoever.

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  2. This is great. I had a similar moment of universal clarity last night. Just one of those things that brings everything into perspective right at the moment when you need it most. We do the best we can. Oh, and music gives me allergies too. 😉

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  3. I’m just like you! When I watch the Voice, I too think about which limb I would be willing to lose in trade for a singing voice like one of these people.

    And as for living up to my potential, well, I like to think that I’m on the right path and I still have a long way to walk.

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