My Inheritance

I’m trying to catch up with life this week.

We registered Don Threeto for Kindergarten. I don’t know if the public school system is ready but August is coming whether they like it or not.


Meanwhile my friend’s son drew a picture of a superhero named Goober. I don’t even want to know what his sidekick is. 

Supermom and I thought that we did a good thing this week. It turned out to be further proof that your children just want to beat down every effort that parents make to be decent human beings. There are six of us living in a three bedroom house. Three of the girls sleep in one room and Lady Bug has her own. We felt like terrible people because Lady Bug was actually still sleeping in a crib but she seemed to like it. Fairness seemed to dictate that we get an even two people per room. Never-the-less, we decided it was high time that each girl have their own bed.

A few hundred dollars and two twin beds later and it is bedtime. Can anyone predict what happened? I’ll tell you. The four children, who each seemed so excited about the change from two real beds and two half beds to four full twin beds, ended up pairing up with each other because they didn’t like being in separate rooms. We could have simply thrown two beds away and ended up in the same situation.

What else? Let’s see… a fish named Vacuum died. He was the only one that survived our initial attempt at an aquarium. When things went south, he was moved to an aquarium at my work. That brave slime sucker made it about four years. Rest in peace Vacuum.


Speaking of memorials. I need to give a shout-out. Uncle Herbie’s memorial service was this past weekend and magically I ended up with a mysterious cardboard box of magazines that I remember discovering in my younger years. I consider it a final gift. Thanks Herbie. You will be missed but thanks to your superior pack-rat skills, Ms. January of 1991 will live on.


How did I not know that Ronald Reagan had a naughty daughter? Nice. She wasn’t nearly as adamant about taking down the iron curtain as her father was. 

There is a new litter of baby bunnies so I’m sure that I won’t escape without some new member of the family. Hopefully we can go a month without losing a pet.


The battle of the pumpkins continues well into February 2016. I have a series of photos to get you back up to speed. The basic plot is that I didn’t dispose of them in a timely fashion, I refuted the fact that it was my responsibility, Supermom countered with indifference, and now we are acting like they don’t exist while they rot into nothingness.



Pumpkins 9


If you are enjoying a whirlwind life and having trouble getting all the notes on paper, this post is for you. You’re welcome.

-Underdaddy to the rescue.


  1. Wrap the treasures, Uncle Herbie may have given you a fortune 😜 If so, don’t forget your favorite Aunt Pam (word is she’s near retirement age and doesn’t realize it)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Those pumpkins….You haven’t had major snow were they just magically leave? I’m sad to hear about that fish, good name for it tho.

    I have nothing good to say about the bunnies but as for the beds; it might have been easier if they fit to just get two full/queen sized beds. Do kids REALLY need their own beds? Just think on how much more laundry you have with all those twin beds!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Seeing as Playboy has gone from “I…um…yeah…read it for the articles” to “No, really, the girls are cute, but I really do read it from the articles,” those are true collectors items.

    Clean Playboys…seriously, that’s called Maxim…what? I read Maxim for the articles…really…

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